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Laravel 5.3 SubstituteBindings middleware with withoutMiddleware issue

Since Laravel 5.3, the route implicit binding works as middleware called SubstituteBindings. I used to work with Laravel 5.2 and upgraded to 5.3.

I have some custom middlewares in my application and in my tests I need to disable them. So, until now I used $this->withoutMiddleware() in the test methods. But since the update to Laravel 5.3, withoutMiddleware stops the route implicit binding, and all my tests fails.

I don't know if this should be considered as bug, but it is a huge problem for me. Is there any way to set the SubstituteBindings middleware as mandatory middleware? How can I still use implicit binding and test my tests without other middlewares?

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nrofis Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 19:08


1 Answers

Building on my comment above I had a look at registering a custom router which always adds SubstituteBindings to the list of middleware if middleware was disabled. You can achieve it by registering a custom RoutingServiceProvider and registering your own Router class. Unfortunately since the route is created fairly early on in the app bootstrap process you also need to create a custom App class and use that in bootstrap/app.php too.


<?php namespace App\Extensions\Providers;

use Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider as IlluminateRoutingServiceProvider;
use App\Extensions\ExtendedRouter;

class RoutingServiceProvider extends IlluminateRoutingServiceProvider
    protected function registerRouter()
        $this->app['router'] = $this->app->share(function ($app) {
            return new ExtendedRouter($app['events'], $app);

Custom router

This adds the middleware, it just extends the default router but overrides the runRouteWithinStack method and, instead of returning an empty array if $this->container->make('middleware.disable') is true, it returns an array containing the SubstituteBindings class.

<?php namespace App\Extensions;

use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use Illuminate\Routing\Route;
use Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ExtendedRouter extends Router {

    protected function runRouteWithinStack(Route $route, Request $request)
        $shouldSkipMiddleware = $this->container->bound('middleware.disable') &&
                                $this->container->make('middleware.disable') === true;

        // Make sure SubstituteBindings is always used as middleware
        $middleware = $shouldSkipMiddleware ? [
        ] : $this->gatherRouteMiddleware($route);

        return (new Pipeline($this->container))
                    ->then(function ($request) use ($route) {
                        return $this->prepareResponse(
                            $request, $route->run($request)

Custom App Class

<?php namespace App;

use App\Extensions\Providers\RoutingServiceProvider;

class MyCustomApp extends Application
    protected function registerBaseServiceProviders()
        $this->register(new RoutingServiceProvider($this));

Using the custom app class

In bootstrap/app.php change the line where the app is instantiated to:

$app = new App\MyCustomApp(


Warning! I haven't fully tested this, my app loads and my tests pass but there could be issues that I haven't discovered. It's also quite brittle since if the Laravel base Router class changes you might find things break randomly on future upgrades.


You might also want to refactor this so the list of middleware in the custom router always contains the SubstituteBindings class so there isn't so much of a difference in behaviour if middleware is disabled.

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andyberry88 Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 04:10
