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Laravel 5.3 db:seed command simply doesn't work


I do everything by-the-book:

  1. Installed fresh Laravel 5.3.9 app (all my non-fresh apps produce the same error)

  2. run php artisan make:auth

  3. create migrations for a new table `php artisan make:migration create_quotations_table --create=quotations

    Schema::create('quotations', function (Blueprint $table) {     $table->increments('id');      $table->string('text');      // my problem persists even with the below two columns commented out     $table->integer('creator_id')->unsigned()->index('creator_id');     $table->integer('updater_id')->unsigned()->index('updater_id');      $table->softDeletes();     $table->timestamps(); }); 
  4. Then I run php artisan migrate

  5. Then I define a new seed php artisan make:seeder QuotationsTableSeeder

The complete content of the file, after I add a simple insert:

<?php  use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;  class QuotationsTableSeeder extends Seeder { /**  * Run the database seeds.  *  * @return void  */ public function run() {     DB::table('quotations')->insert([         'text' => str_random(10),      ]); } } 
  1. Then I run php artisan db:seed


it simply doesn't work. No feedback presented, no errors in log file. The probem persists in both my local environment (Win7, newest WAMP server) and my Digital Ocean VPS powered by Ubuntu 16.04. All the above steps I took in several separate apps - for no result. Also under Laragon 2.0.5 server.

what I have tried

php artisan optimize as suggested here.

composer dump-autoload i php artisan clear-compiled also have brought no results

I also tried to seed just following the official docs example - failed.

I added use DB; to the seed file - still no result.

to do

help!!! How come they don't work?

like image 693
Peter Avatar asked Sep 15 '16 23:09


People also ask

Which command to run seeding in Laravel?

Laravel Seeding Creating a Seeder To create seeders, you may use the make:seeder Artisan command. All seeders generated will be placed in the database/seeds directory. Generated seeders will contain one method: run . You may insert data into your database in this method.

How do I seed a specific seeder in Laravel?

Writing SeedersA seeder class only contains one method by default: run . This method is called when the db:seed Artisan command is executed. Within the run method, you may insert data into your database however you wish. You may use the query builder to manually insert data or you may use Eloquent model factories.

How do I roll back a DB seed in Laravel?

use Undo Seeder for Laravel. When you install UndoSeeder, the following artisan commands are made available: db:seed-undo Undo seeds in the seeds directory. db:seed-refresh Undo seeds run seeds again.

2 Answers

Are you calling your seeder inside the DatabaseSeeder class? This way:


class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder {     /**      * Run the database seeds.      *      * @return void      */     public function run()     {         $this->call(QuotationTableSeeder::class);     } } 

Or, add the --class option when using the php artisan db:seed command, this way:

php artisan db:seed --class="QuotationTableSeeder" 

After creating or removing your seeders, don't forget to run the following command:

composer dump-autoload 
like image 174
Rafael Berro Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

Rafael Berro


If anybody else is having issues with migrating AND seeding at the same time, please try

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed 

Worked for me..

like image 25
petermafia Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09
