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Laravel 5.1 app and home.blade.php missing




I created a new project via composer in Laravel 5.1.
I couldn't find the app.blade.php.and home.blade.php file, what am I doing wrong?

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Myat Htut Avatar asked Jun 22 '15 13:06

Myat Htut

2 Answers

You didn't do anything wrong. The Auth Scaffolding was removed from Laravel 5.1. That includes the app.blade.php and the home.blade.php that you mentioned.

However, you'll still be able to get it back with the Scafold Package :

1.Add Scafold to your composer.json file in the require : section :

require : {
        "laravel/framework": "5.1.*",
        "bestmomo/scafold": "dev-master"

or type from terminal :

composer require bestmomo/scafold dev-master

2.Update composer :

composer update

3.Add the service provider to your config/app.php :


4.Publish the views and assets :

php artisan vendor:publish


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Ennosuke Ajibana Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Ennosuke Ajibana

Run php artisan make:auth and it will automatically generate layoyts\app.blade.php and home.blade.php

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Kumar Sambhav Pandey Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Kumar Sambhav Pandey