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Laravel 4: How to apply a WHERE condition to all queries of an Eloquent class?

I'm trying to implement an "approved' state for a table I have, it's pretty straightforward, basically, if the row's approve column equals 1; that row should be retrieved, otherwise it shouldn't.

The problem is, now I have to go through the whole codebase and add a WHERE statement(i.e., function call) which is not only time consuming but also inefficient(if I ever want to remove that feature, etc.)

How can I do that? Is it as easy as adding $this->where(..) inside the Eloquent child class' constructor? Wouldn't that affect other CRUD operations? such as not updating an unapproved row?

like image 870
Abdulaziz Avatar asked Sep 07 '13 23:09


1 Answers

The answer was given when there was no query scope feature available.

You can override the main query, only for the Post model, like

class Post extends Eloquent
    protected static $_allowUnapprovedPosts = false;

    public function newQuery()
        $query = parent::newQuery();

        if (!static::$_allowUnapprovedPosts) {
            $query->where('approved', '=', 1);
        } else {
            static::$_allowUnapprovedPosts = false;

        return $query;

    // call this if you need unapproved posts as well
    public static function allowUnapprovedPosts()
        static::$_allowUnapprovedPosts = true;

        return new static;

Now, simply use anything, but unapproved users won't appear in the result.

$approvedPosts = Post::where('title',  'like', '%Hello%');

Now, if you need to retrieve all posts even unapproved ones then you can use

$approvedPosts = Post::allowUnapprovedPosts()->where('title',  'like', '%Hello%');

Update (Using the query scope):

Since, Laravel now provides Global Query Scopes, leverage that instead of this hacky solution, notice the date of this answer, it's too old and so much things changed by now.

// Using a local query scope
class Post extends Eloquent

    public function scopeApproved($query)
        return $query->where('approved', 1);

You can use it like:

$approvedPosts = Post::approved()->get();
like image 86
The Alpha Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

The Alpha