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Language Books/Tutorials for popular languages

People also ask

Do language learning books work?

You can learn a lot from reading books in your target language. You can benefit from a book's message and equally from its language. In other words, a book can improve your way of life and your language learning at the same time.

Which book contains all the words that can be spoken in a language?

The Dictionary A dictionary is one of the best books to help you build your vocabulary because it contains all the recognized words in the English language.

I know this is going to seem old-fashioned, but I don't think much of using online tutorials to learn programming languages or platforms. These generally give you no more than a little taste of the language. To really learn a language, you need the equivalent of a "book", and in many cases, this means a real dead-tree book.

If you want to learn C, read K&R. If you want to learn C++, read Stroustrup. If you want to learn Lisp/Scheme, read SICP. Etc.

If you're not willing to spend more than $30 and a few hours to learn a language, you probably aren't going to learn it.

These are all really good, written by academia and (some) are books (an unpublished oreilly book --translated from French, but no issues I've found), for example). I've *'d my favorite ones that helped me the most.

ocaml :

  1. *Introduction to ocaml
  2. Using Understand and unraveling ocaml: practice to theory and vice versa
  3. *Developing Applications using Ocaml - O'Reilly
  4. The Objective Caml System - Official Manual
  5. A Concise Introduction to Objective Caml
  6. Practical Ocaml

Haskell :

  1. Explore functional programming with Haskell
  2. *Real World Haskell
  3. *Total Functional Programming

For C#:

  • CLR via C#

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  • C# in Depth

enter image description here

For C++, I suggest Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo as a beginning text, though I don't know how it would be for an absolute novice. It focuses on using the STL right away, which makes getting things done much easier.


O'Reilly Book:

  1. Real World Haskell, a great tutorial-oriented book on Haskell, available online and in print.

My favorite general, less academic online tutorials:

  1. The Haskell wikibook which contains all of the excellent Yet Another Haskell Tutorial. (This tutorial helps with specifics of setting up a Haskell distro and running example programs, for example.)
  2. Learn you a Haskell for Great Good, in the spirit of Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby but more to the point.
  3. Write yourself a Scheme in 48 hours. Get your hands dirty learning Haskell with a real project.

Books on Functional Programming with Haskell:

  1. Lambda calculus, combinators, more theoretical, but in a very down to earth manner: Davie's Introduction to Functional Programming Systems Using Haskell
  2. Laziness and program correctness, thinking functionally: Bird's Introduction to Functional Programming Using Haskell