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lambda-calculus in C: Booleans and NOT operator

I wanted to give implementations in different programming languages of the lambda-calculus construction of the booleans and the NOT operator.

These are:

TRUE = lx.ly. x
FALSE = lx.ly. y

It's trivial to do in Javascript and Python say, like

var TRUE = function(x,y){ return x;} 
var FALSE = function(x,y){ return y;}
var NOT = function(b){ return b(FALSE,TRUE) ; } 

but I can't figure out how to do it in C.

The naive idea of implementing something like this

lambda true(lambda x, lambda y){ return x ; }
lambda false(lambda x, lambda y){ return x ; }

lambda not(lambda (b)(lambda, lambda) ){ return b(false,true) ;}

doesn't seem possible in C, as typedef doesn't allow a recursive definition

typedef void (*lambda)(lambda,lambda) ;not valid in C

Is there a way to do it in C? and is there a way to do it that is meaningful to use as an educational example? That is, if the syntax starts getting to cumbersome it ends up defeating its purpose...

Finally, if C ends up being too limited in any way, an answer in C++ would also work for me, albeit with the same "complexity" constraint

I may be expecting too much of C.

EDIT: Following the suggestion by Tom in the comments, the following definitions do compile

typedef void *(*bol)() ;

bol true(bol x, bol y){ return x ; }
bol false(bol x, bol y){ return x ; }

bol not(bol b ){ return b(false,true) ;}

int main(){
 bol p = not((bol)true);

 return 0;

EDIT2: This, however, is not strictly conforming as Tom and others have pointed out.

Furthermore, as @Antti Haapala, and @n.m point out, this may be asking too much of C.

At this point I'm skeptical that there could be a simple enough implementation in C++.

like image 449
MASL Avatar asked Nov 20 '17 05:11


1 Answers

The only way I know in C to declare recursive declarations is by using struct, like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

typedef struct LAMBDA {
    struct LAMBDA * (*function)(struct LAMBDA *, ...);
} *lambda;

lambda trueFunction(lambda x, ...) {return x;}
lambda true = &(struct LAMBDA) {.function = trueFunction};

lambda falseFunction(lambda x, ...) {va_list argp; va_start(argp, x); lambda y = va_arg(argp, lambda); va_end(argp); return y;}
lambda false = &(struct LAMBDA) {.function = falseFunction};

lambda notFunction(lambda b, ...) {return b->function(false, true);}
lambda not = &(struct LAMBDA) {.function = notFunction};

int main() {
    lambda p1 = not->function(true);
    lambda p2 = not->function(false);
    printf("%p %p %p %p", true, p1, false, p2);
    return 0;

Its hard for me to judge whether such syntax is too cumbersome or not, obviously less clear than dynamic languages.

like image 64
Iłya Bursov Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Iłya Bursov