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Label encoding across multiple columns with same attributes in sckit-learn

If I have two columns as below:

Origin  Destination  
China   USA  
China   Turkey  
USA     China  
USA     Turkey  
USA     Russia  
Russia  China  

How would I perform label encoding while ensuring the label for the Origin column matches the one in the destination column i.e

Origin  Destination  
0   1  
0   3  
1   0  
1   0  
1   0  
2   1  

If I do the encoding for each column separately then the algorithm will see the China in column1 as different from column2 which is not the case

like image 461
Desmond Momanyi Avatar asked May 10 '18 01:05

Desmond Momanyi

3 Answers

pandas Method

You could create a dictionary of {country: value} pairs and map the dataframe to that:

country_map = {country:i for i, country in enumerate(df.stack().unique())}

df['Origin'] = df['Origin'].map(country_map)    
df['Destination'] = df['Destination'].map(country_map)

>>> df
   Origin  Destination
0       0            1
1       0            2
2       1            0
3       1            2
4       1            3
5       3            0

sklearn method

Since you tagged sklearn, you could use LabelEncoder():

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le= LabelEncoder()

df['Origin'] = le.transform(df['Origin'])
df['Destination'] = le.transform(df['Destination'])

>>> df
   Origin  Destination
0       0            3
1       0            2
2       3            0
3       3            2
4       3            1
5       1            0

To get the original labels back:

>>> le.inverse_transform(df['Origin'])
# array(['China', 'China', 'USA', 'USA', 'USA', 'Russia'], dtype=object)
like image 106
sacuL Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 08:10



df.stack().pipe(lambda s: pd.Series(pd.factorize(s.values)[0], s.index)).unstack()

   Origin  Destination
0       0            1
1       0            2
2       1            0
3       1            2
4       1            3
5       3            0

factorize with reshape

    df.index, df.columns

   Origin  Destination
0       0            1
1       0            2
2       1            0
3       1            2
4       1            3
5       3            0

np.unique and reshape

    np.unique(df.values.ravel(), return_inverse=True)[1].reshape(df.shape),
    df.index, df.columns

   Origin  Destination
0       0            3
1       0            2
2       3            0
3       3            2
4       3            1
5       1            0

Disgusting Option

I couldn't stop trying stuff... sorry!

    lambda x, y={}, c=itertools.count():
        y.get(x) if x in y else y.setdefault(x, next(c))

   Origin  Destination
0       0            1
1       0            3
2       1            0
3       1            3
4       1            2
5       2            0

As pointed out by cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ

You can shorten this by assigning back to dataframe

df[:] = pd.factorize(df.values.ravel())[0].reshape(df.shape)
like image 25
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10


You can using replace

   Origin  Destination
0       0            3
1       0            2
2       3            0
3       3            2
4       3            1
5       1            0

Succinct and nice answer from Pir

df.replace((lambda u: dict(zip(u, range(u.size))))(np.unique(df)))


df.replace(dict(zip(np.unique(df), itertools.count())))
like image 35
BENY Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 08:10