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kubernetes strategic merge patch

Hi I am following this doc https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/devel/api-conventions.md#strategic-merge-patch for strategic-merge-patch to partially update the JSON objects using PATCH REST API. The document says that it can add or delete the object, but I have tried, whenever I add new object to existing JSON it just replaces that instead of adding new. I am trying this to modify pod definition in OpenShift 3.2. can anyone please help me how it works, probably with example. I need to use delete operation also , where I can delete the value by name.

like image 284
priyank Avatar asked Dec 09 '16 11:12


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1 Answers

As documented it depends on annotations of the types. AFAIS the strategic merge only works if patchStrategy and patchMergeKey are given. For example, this is the case in pod.spec.containers and pod.spec.volumes.

For an example you need to provide more information about the type you want to merge.

like image 80
svenwltr Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09
