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Kubernetes - setting custom permissions/file ownership per volume (and not per pod)



Is there any way to set per-volume permissions/ownership in Kubernetes declaratively?


  • a pod is composed of two containers, running as two distinct users/groups, both of them non-root, and are unable to sudo
  • the containers mount a volume each, and need to create files in these volumes (e.g. both of them want to write logs)

We know that we can use fsGroup, however that is a pod-level declaration. So even if we pick fsGroup equal to user in first container, then we are going to have permission issues in the other one. (ref: Kubernetes: how to set VolumeMount user group and file permissions)

like image 280
Adam Kotwasinski Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 11:10

Adam Kotwasinski

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2 Answers

One solution is to use init-container to change permissions of mounted directories.

The init-container would need to mount both volumes (from both containers), and do the needed chown/chmod operations.


  • extra container that needs to be aware of other containers' specific (ie. uid/gid)
  • init container needs to run as root to perform chown
like image 97
Adam Kotwasinski Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Adam Kotwasinski

It can be done with adding one init container with root access.

    - name: changeowner
      image: busybox
      command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 200:200 /<volume>"]   
      - name: <your volume>
        mountPath: /<volume>
like image 28
rajdeepbs29 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
