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Kubernetes - how to check current domain set by --cluster-domain from pod?

Kubernetes admin can use --cluster-domain to customize cluster domain instead of using default one: cluster.local Kubelet Configs.

So the question is, how does an application pod check this domain in runtime?

like image 847
Andy Luo Avatar asked Oct 23 '18 03:10

Andy Luo

People also ask

How do I find the FQDN on a pod?

You can do a DNS query from any pod and you would get the FQDN. cluster-domain.

What is Kubernetes cluster domain name?

Kubernetes service names are resolved to ClusterIP s representing one or more pods that match a label selector. The cluster is assigned a cluster domain that is specified at installation time by using cluster_domain to distinguish between names local to the cluster and external names.

How do I view pod config?

To view the entire configuration of the pod, just run kubectl describe pod nginx in your terminal. The terminal will now display the YAML for the pod, starting with the name nginx, its location, the Minikube node, start time and current status.

2 Answers

It needs to be configured on the DNS server.

Either kube-dns or coredns (Favored on newer K8s versions)

kube-dns: it's a cli option --domain

core-dns: you can configure the K8s ConfigMap

And you see here:

The kubelet passes DNS to each container with the --cluster-dns= flag.

If you'd like to know how a pod resolves cluster.local it does it through the /etc/resolv.conf that the kubelet mounts on every pod. The content is something like this:

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search <namespace>.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local <nod-domain>
options ndots:5 is your coredns or kube-dns cluster IP address.

like image 144
Rico Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09


Running a DNS query against service kubernetes.default is a possible solution. Here is a one-liner example in shell:

kubectl run -it --image=ubuntu --restart=Never shell -- \
sh -c 'apt-get update > /dev/null && apt-get install -y dnsutils > /dev/null && \
nslookup kubernetes.default | grep Name | sed "s/Name:\skubernetes.default//"'

This will returns as last line:


However, I think it would be more robust to implement this algorithm in a programming language like go which have a good DNS client implemented in net library, here is an example you can run in a pod:

package main

import (

// GetClusterDomain returns Kubernetes cluster domain, default to "cluster.local"
func getClusterDomain() string {
    apiSvc := "kubernetes.default.svc"

    cname, err := net.LookupCNAME(apiSvc)
    if err != nil {
        defaultClusterDomain := "cluster.local"
        return defaultClusterDomain

    clusterDomain = strings.TrimPrefix(cname, apiSvc)
    clusterDomain = strings.TrimSuffix(clusterDomain, ".")

    return clusterDomain

func main() {
like image 25
Fabrice Jammes Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Fabrice Jammes