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kubectl and seeing (cluster)roles assigned to subjects

I can use kubectl to see to which subjects a cluster role is applied, eg:

kubectl get clusterrolebindings system:node --all-namespaces -o json                                                                                                                                                                    
    "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
    "kind": "ClusterRoleBinding",
    "subjects": [
            "apiGroup": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io",
            "kind": "Group",
            "name": "system:nodes"

I would like to get this info the other way around, eg: I want to list all policies applied to the "system:nodes" subject.

How can I do that?

like image 724
Jeroen Jacobs Avatar asked Apr 03 '17 13:04

Jeroen Jacobs

1 Answers

There is no API for the reverse index. You can look up bindings and filter on ones containing the expected subject. For example, using bash, jq, and kubectl:

# $1 is kind (User, Group, ServiceAccount)
# $2 is name ("system:nodes", etc)
# $3 is namespace (optional, only applies to kind=ServiceAccount)
function getRoles() {
    local kind="${1}"
    local name="${2}"
    local namespace="${3:-}"

    kubectl get clusterrolebinding -o json | jq -r "
            .kind == \"${kind}\" 
            .name == \"${name}\"
            (if .namespace then .namespace else \"\" end) == \"${namespace}\"
      (.roleRef.kind + \"/\" + .roleRef.name)

$ getRoles Group system:authenticated

$ getRoles ServiceAccount attachdetach-controller kube-system
like image 58
Jordan Liggitt Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Jordan Liggitt