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Kotlin: return a generic interface

In Kotlin, I'm trying to compile the following:

  1. given an interface with generic types (Printer)
  2. and two implementations of that interface (DogPrinter and CatPrinter)
  3. return one of the printers, according to an external variable (AnimalType)

The following code does not compile, because a type is required at: fun getMapper(animalType: AnimalType): Printer

I tried to use <Any> or <*> but got no success. Can someone help?

(easy to see the error by copypasting the code below into https://try.kotlinlang.org)

enum class AnimalType {
    CAT, DOG

class Dog
class Cat

interface Printer<in T> {
    fun mapToString(input: T): String

class DogPrinter : Printer<Dog> {
    override fun mapToString(input: Dog): String {
        return "dog"

class CatPrinter : Printer<Cat> {
    override fun mapToString(input: Cat): String {
        return "cat"

private fun getMapper(animalType: AnimalType): Printer {
    return when(animalType) {
        AnimalType.CAT -> CatPrinter()
        AnimalType.DOG -> DogPrinter()

fun usage_does_not_compile() {
like image 871
Ricardo Belchior Avatar asked Oct 25 '17 17:10

Ricardo Belchior

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1 Answers

I've modified your code a bit. The getMapper function is inline with a reified generic type now, which makes the call pretty readable at getMapper<Dog>().

Read about reified here: What does the reified keyword in Kotlin really do?

private inline fun <reified T> getMapper(): Printer<T> {
    when (T::class) {
        Cat::class -> return CatPrinter() as Printer<T>
        Dog::class -> return DogPrinter() as Printer<T>
    throw IllegalArgumentException()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

The reified thing is not even necessary actually but makes the client side more readable. Alternatively, you could also pass in the class as an argument to the getMapper function. The really important part is to make this one generic. The unchecked casts are not very cool but seem to be safe here.

like image 83
s1m0nw1 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10
