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Kotlin - Restrict extension method scope





Is there a way to restrict extension methods in DSLs?

Say I have a class structure like this:

class Outer {
    fun middle(op: Middle.() -> Unit): Middle {
        val middle = Middle()
        return middle

class Middle {
    fun inner(op: Inner.() -> Unit): Inner {
        val inner = Inner()
        return inner

class Inner

fun outer(op: Outer.() -> Unit): Outer {
    val outer = Outer()
    return outer

I can then create a call like so:

outer {
    middle {
        inner {
            middle { }  // Here is the problem

My problem is that the marked middle { } call is confusing, as it adds a Middle to the Outer when it looks like it is adding to the Inner.

Is there a way to not allow the middle { } call?

like image 895
Ruckus T-Boom Avatar asked May 02 '16 22:05

Ruckus T-Boom

Video Answer

2 Answers

You can use a workaround with deprecated:

class Outer {
    fun middle(op: Middle.() -> Unit): Middle {...}

    @Deprecated("can not be used inside a Outer block", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
    fun outer(op: Outer.() -> Unit): Outer = TODO()

class Middle {
    fun inner(op: Inner.() -> Unit): Inner {...}

    @Deprecated("can not be used inside a Middle block", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
    fun middle(op: Middle.() -> Unit): Middle = TODO()

class Inner {
    @Deprecated("can not be used inside a Inner block", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
    fun inner(op: Inner.() -> Unit): Inner = TODO()

Now the compiler will give you an error, and IDE will not suggest a wrong function in the completion:

outer {
    middle {
        inner {
            middle { }  // error

But you really should not do it for big DSLs. It is better to wait for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-11551 as @KirillRakhman suggested.

Edit: After I fixed my example, it became much smaller. With one dummy function for a class it is not that much of boilerplate after all.

like image 142
voddan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10


The official way to restrict scope is DslMarker. It cannot help in some cases (when you need to annotate java sources, for example) - and here @Deprecated is used. But try DslMarker first.

@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.TYPE)
annotation class Scope

class Outer {
    fun middle(op: Middle.() -> Unit): Middle { /**/ }

class Middle {
    fun inner(op: Inner.() -> Unit): Inner {/**/ }

class Inner

Thus the last middle call is not compilable anymore.

like image 28
lotor Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10
