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Kotlin: Issue implementing interface with getters



I am trying to implement an interface with getter method which matches the constructor parameter name of the implementing class.

interface Car{
    fun getModel(): Int

class Honda(val model: Int): Car {
    override fun getModel(): Int {


If Honda doesn't implement getModel(), we get an Accidental Override error. If Honda implements getModel(), we get a Platform declaration clash error.

I can change the name of the parameter in the Honda constructor, which fixes the problem, but it feels like a redundant getter method.

interface Car{
    fun getModel(): Int

class Honda(val modelParam: Int): Car {
    override fun getModel() = modelParam

Is there a better way to implement such interfaces?

like image 851
dev Avatar asked Jun 14 '18 21:06


People also ask

CAN interface have getters and setters?

You cannot define instance fields in interfaces (unless they are constant - static final - values, thanks to Jon), since they're part of the implementation only. Thus, only the getter and setter are in the interface, whereas the field comes up in the implementation.

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In Kotlin, the interface works exactly similar to Java 8, which means they can contain method implementation as well as abstract methods declaration.

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Kotlin allows Interface to have code which means a class can implement an Interface, and inherit the behavior from it. After using Kotlin in Android development for a while, I've just realized the benefit of Interface in Kotlin. In Java 6, Interface can only be used to describe the behaviors, but not implement them.

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2 Answers

You can declare properties in interface:

interface Car{
    val model : Int

Then in implementation / constructor you need to add override keyword.

class Honda(override val model : Int): Car
like image 70
Pawel Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11


For case where the accepted answer isn't applicable because you can't change the interface, or the interface is a Java one,

class Honda(private val model: Int): Car {
    override fun getModel(): Int = model

For a Java interface, it can still be accessed as .model in Kotlin.

like image 36
Alexey Romanov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Alexey Romanov