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Kotlin: IllegalAccessException: Class BlockJUnit4ClassRunner can not access a member of class Foo with modifiers “private”

Using Kotlin with Junit 4 I get the following exception for Parameter field injection:

java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class org.junit.runners.parameterized.BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters can not access a member of class MyTestClass with modifiers "private"

Here's the code:

class MyTestClass {

    val mockitoRule: MockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule()

    companion object {

    @Parameters(name = "{0}")
    fun testData() = listOf(
            arrayOf(1, 1),
            arrayOf(2, 2),
            arrayOf(3, 3)

    var input: Int = 0 // Public

    var expected: Int = 0 // Public

    fun foo() {
        assertEquals(expected, input)

Any ideas?

like image 381
vvbYWf0ugJOGNA3ACVxp Avatar asked Apr 05 '19 01:04


1 Answers

Tl;dr: Adding @JvmField to both fields solved the problem. Like so:

var input: Int = 0

var expected: Int = 0

Explanation: By default, Kotlin will make the fields private and generate getters/setters as can be seen from the decompiled java code below, as a result JUnit won't be able to read the private fields hence the message: can not access a member of class MyTestClass with modifiers "private"

private int input;

private int expected;

public final int getInput() {
    return this.input;

public final void setInput(int var1) {
    this.input = var1;

public final int getExpected() {
    return this.expected;

public final void setExpected(int var1) {
    this.expected = var1;
like image 142
vvbYWf0ugJOGNA3ACVxp Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
