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Kotlin: how to return some value from scope?



In Scala I can write something like this:

val something = {
  val temp1 = ...
  val temp2 = ...
  temp1 + temp2

As far as I know the best way to do the same in Kotlin is:

val something = {
  val temp1 = ...
  val temp2 = ...
  temp1 + temp2

Actually it's a lambda with type Unit -> Int which is called immediately. I wonder could this code be improved somehow? Maybe there is a built in function which allows me to write val something = block { ... } or something like this?

like image 429
Aleksander Alekseev Avatar asked Feb 12 '15 12:02

Aleksander Alekseev

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As mentioned in previous answer you can use withContext . Here is the small explaination from docs: Calls the specified suspending block with a given coroutine context, suspends until it completes, and returns the result.

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1 Answers

You can use function run, like:

val something = run {
  val temp1 = ...
  val temp2 = ...
  temp1 + temp2
like image 95
bashor Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 16:10
