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Kotlin data classes and nullable types

I'm new to Kotlin and I don't know why compiler complains about this code:

data class Test(var data : String = "data")

fun test(){
  var test: Test? = Test("")
  var size = test?.data.length

Compiler complains with test?.data.length, it says that I should do: test?.data?.length. But data variable is String, not String?, so I don't understand why I have to put the ? when I want to check the length.

like image 807
Victor Manuel Pineda Murcia Avatar asked Feb 03 '17 13:02

Victor Manuel Pineda Murcia

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2 Answers

The expression test?.data.length is equivalent to (test?.data).length, and the test?.data part is nullable: it is either test.data or null. Therefore it is not null-safe to get its length, but instead you should use the safe call operator again: test?.data?.length.

The nullability is propagated through the whole calls chain: you have to write these chains as a?.b?.c?.d?.e (which is, again, equivalent to (((a?.b)?.c)?.d)?.e), because, if one of the left parts is null, the rest of the calls cannot be performed as if the value is not-null.

like image 193
hotkey Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10


If you don't want to use safe call before each non-nullable component of the call chain, you can get the result of the first safe call into a new variable with the standard extension functions run or let:

// `this` is non-nullable `Test` inside lambda 
val size = test?.run { data.length }   

// or: `it` is non-nullable `Test` inside lambda
val size = test?.let { it.data.length }

Note that size is still nullable Int? here.

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Ilya Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10
