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Kong DB-less in Docker




As of Kong 1.1 you can use db-less (declarative) configuration.

I can't find any information on how to start a Kong 1.1 based container in db-less/declarative mode without having to set up a db connection first. Does anyone know how to do this?

Checks documentation at https://hub.docker.com/_/kong

like image 882
tisaksen Avatar asked Apr 09 '19 07:04


People also ask

What is DB-less mode?

Kong Gateway can be run without a database using only in-memory storage for entities. We call this DB-less mode. When running Kong Gateway DB-less, the configuration of entities is done in a second configuration file, in YAML or JSON, using declarative configuration.

What is Kong DB?

Kong datastoreKong uses an external datastore to store its configuration such as registered APIs, Consumers and Plugins. Plugins themselves can store every bit of information they need to be persisted, for example rate-limiting data or Consumer credentials.

What is Kong Docker?

Kong is a scalable, open source API Platform (also known as an API Gateway or API Middleware). Kong was originally built by Kong Inc. (formerly known as Mashape) to secure, manage, and extend over 15,000 Microservices for its API Marketplace, which generates billions of requests per month.

1 Answers

On the step 4 of kong official docker installation,
just change the config of docker run command FROM -e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" TO -e "KONG_DATABASE=off" and you can go ahead!

remember that if you have a kong container run with postgres or cassandra before, firstly remove that configured kong container and image! Then run command like above

kong database less configuration: this shows the way to config database less by "off"
kong docker compose file: this shows the config of kong database in docker

like image 198
Linh Duy Dang Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10

Linh Duy Dang