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known services to validate csv file [closed]

Are there any good sites/services to validate consistency of CSV file ?

The same as W3C validator but for CSV ?


like image 685
Scherbius.com Avatar asked Jul 18 '11 20:07


People also ask

How do I validate a CSV file in Python?

I.e., if you want to validate data from a CSV file, you have to first construct a CSV reader using the standard Python csv module, specifying the appropriate dialect, and then pass the CSV reader as the source of data to either the CSVValidator. validate or the CSVValidator. ivalidate method.

1 Answers

I recently came across Google Refine (now OpenRefine) - it's not a service for validating CSV files, it's a tool you download locally, but it does provide a lot of tools for working with data and detecting anomalies.

As mentioned in a reply, "CSV" has become an ill-defined term, principally because people don't follow the One True Way when using delimiter separated data


EDIT/UPDATE (2016-08-09):
CSV Currently Becoming a Well-Defined Term by the W3C CSV Working Group

like image 184
Adrian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
