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Know of any Java garbage collection log analysis tools? [closed]

I'm looking for a tool or a script that will take the console log from my web app, parse out the garbage collection information and display it in a meaningful way.

I'm starting up on a Sun Java 1.4.2 JVM with the following flags:

-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails 

The log output looks like this:

54.736: [Full GC 54.737: [Tenured: 172798K->18092K(174784K), 2.3792658 secs] 257598K->18092K(259584K), [Perm : 20476K->20476K(20480K)], 2.4715398 secs] 

Making sense of a few hundred of these kinds of log entries would be much easier if I had a tool that would visually graph garbage collection trends.

like image 262
braveterry Avatar asked Feb 12 '09 15:02


People also ask

How do I monitor Java garbage collection?

The typical CUI GC monitoring method involves using a separate CUI application called "jstat", or selecting a JVM option called "verbosegc" when running JVM. GUI GC monitoring is done by using a separate GUI application, and three most commonly used applications would be "jconsole", "jvisualvm" and "Visual GC".

How do you Analyse verbose GC logs?

To help you visualize and analyze the GC, you can feed verbose GC log files into various diagnostic tools and interfaces. Examples include tools such as Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) and online services such as GCEasy.

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