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Knockout.Js doesn't detect programmatically changed checkbox state

I have a simple checkbox which has its value adjusted by a bit of infrastructure that I'm writing to persist state in localStorage. I am aware that this would normally be done by setting the viewModel but the infrastructure is unaware of any knockout bindings and has no access to them.

I didn't think this would be a problem as I assumed that knockout was running off the 'change' event, however $checkbox.prop('checked', true).trigger('checked') fails to trigger my observable. Even using the click event directly doesn't get me quite what I need.

What events does knockout wire to? How do I get it to read the state of the control?

jsbin showing this weird behavior here. Try selecting the checkbox directly versus clicking the button.

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George Mauer Avatar asked Jan 03 '13 16:01

George Mauer

3 Answers

I found a better way of doing that. Just put this code inside of your domready event:

    $("input:checkbox").bind('change', function () {
like image 174
Roman Pushkin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Roman Pushkin

Knockout bindings don't really work in the way you are thinking.

Check out: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/custom-bindings.html

Here is one solution you can use, no jQuery, no custom binding.

Your html will stay the same.

var m = {
  isChecked: ko.observable(false),
  infrastructureUpdatesCheckbox: function() {
    this.isChecked( this.isChecked() === true ? false : true);

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Jack Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11


you should change checkbox' checked status via your view model:

 var m = {
   isChecked: ko.observable(false)
  //,infrastructureUpdatesCheckbox: function() {
    //$chk = $(':checkbox');
    //  .prop('checked', !$chk.prop('checked'))
    //  .trigger('change');
    //this.isChecked(!this.isChecked());  // this - is your view model

here is updated version:

function InfrastructureUpdatesCheckbox(){

  var $cb = $(':checkbox');
  var cb = $cb[0];
  cb.checked = !cb.checked;  // manually change checked status
  $cb.triggerHandler('click');  // run all event handlers bound to 'click' event

I guess the issue is related to checkboxes (radio buttons) only. Other controls should behaive correctly when you trigger events manually.

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Rustam Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
