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Knockout JS css "else" conditons



I would like to do this in Knockout.

    <span class="badge" data-bind="text: rank, css: {'badge-success': firstPlace, 
        'badge-warning': !firstPlace}"></span>

Where my javascript model class has this method

    self.firstPlace = ko.computed(function() {
        return self.rank() == 1;

This fails to produce the 'badge-warning' class. I tried a few invocation variations in the data-bind attribute such as firstPlace == false and (!firstPlace). Instead I have to add a second inverse method to my model:

    <span class="badge" data-bind="text: rank, css: {'badge-success': firstPlace, 
        'badge-warning': notFirstPlace}"></span>

    // YUCK
    self.notFirstPlace = ko.computed(function() {
        return self.rank() != 1;

Of course, this works. And hooray for Knockout JS which really is a lot of fun to use. But this just seems wrong. Anybody have a better method?

like image 212
carbontax Avatar asked Sep 28 '12 12:09


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2 Answers

When you are using logical operations in data-bind attribute you should put () after observable or computed names.

<span class="badge" data-bind="text: rank, css: {'badge-success': firstPlace, 
    'badge-warning': !firstPlace()}"></span>
like image 107
Artem Vyshniakov Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Artem Vyshniakov

If you want to evaluate firstPlace() only once, you can write the css binding as an inline function:

<span class="badge" data-bind="text: rank, css: (firstPlace() ? 'badge-success' : 'badge-warning')"></span>
like image 34
Cᴏʀʏ Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
