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knockout binding how to remove an attribute



Let's say I have an Html element

<element testattribute='a'></element>

I know I can pass the value of testattribute using a binding like this:

<element data-bind="attr: { testattribute: 'a'}></element>

But how can I completely remove this attribute through the binding. So if the original value was

 <element testattribute: 'a'></element>

my end result should be

like image 219
dreamerkumar Avatar asked May 21 '13 12:05


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2 Answers

The attr binding in KO will actually remove the attribute if the value is false, null, or undefined. So, if you bind against an observable and then set it to one of those values (not empty string), then the attribute will be removed.

like image 167
RP Niemeyer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

RP Niemeyer

you should do this ternary inline because form not accepts several checked radio button and it will ignore the knockout comments so none would be checked to avoid do like:

<input type="radio" data-bind="attr:{'checked':($data.amount > 0) ? 'checked' : false}" id="q156" name="foo" value="positive" />

this will set accurate!

like image 35
john Smith Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

john Smith