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knitr - exclude chunks from `purl(...)`?


When I purl/tangle a document to extract the R chunks into a script, is there any way to:

  • exclude an arbitrary chunk (by name say)?
  • if not, exclude a chunk if eval=F (or perhaps I can define a chunk hook/option include=F)?

For example, suppose I have the following Rmd:

```{r setup, echo=F} library(MASS) ``` First, we perform the setup (assume for some reason I need to evaluate `setup` silently before I wish to display the chunk to the user, hence the repetition) ```{r setup, eval=F} ```  Here's the function I've been explaining: ```{r function} plus <- function (a, b) a + b ```  And here's an example of its use: ```{r example} plus(1, 2) ``` 

The tangled script looks like this:

## @knitr setup, echo=F library(MASS)     ## @knitr setup, eval=F library(MASS)  ## @knitr function plus <- function (a, b) a + b  ## @knitr example plus(1, 2) 

I have the idea that since I didn't want particular chunks to be evaluated, they at the very least should not appear in the output (in the example above, the second setup chunk).

Additionally it would be nice for me to mark some chunks as "invisible" with respect to the tangled output. I don't want the example chunk in my output script (it was nice in the Rmd for purposes of documentation, but I want to be able to tangle the Rmd and then just source('myfile.r') if I wish to use the plus function, without having to worry about these extra examples executing. Currently I tangle the Rmd and then manually edit out the chunks I don't want out of the script, which seems against the principle of just writing the one Rmd which will provide both documentation and script without extra effort.)

like image 543
mathematical.coffee Avatar asked May 08 '13 01:05


2 Answers

Since knitr 1.3, there is a new chunk option purl = TRUE/FALSE that allows one to include/exclude certain code chunks for purl().

```{r test, purl=FALSE} library(MASS) ``` 
like image 119
Yihui Xie Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

Yihui Xie

The tangle processing block doesn't currently expand params, but we can make it do so...

# See `?trace` documentation for details. bdy <- as.list( body( knitr:::process_tangle.block ) ) trace.at <- which( grepl(".*opts_chunk\\$merge.*",                          as.list( body( knitr:::process_tangle.block ) ) ) ) tracer <- quote({   # Code borrowed from normal chunk procesing.   af = opts_knit$get('eval.after'); al = opts_knit$get('aliases')   if (!is.null(al) && !is.null(af)) af = c(af, names(al[af %in% al]))   for (o in setdiff(names(params), af)) params[o] = list(eval_lang(params[[o]]))   # Omit this if using lastest knitr source from github.   if( isFALSE( params$include ) ) {     tmp <- knit_code$get();     tmp[[params$label]] <- "";     knit_code$restore(tmp)   } })  trace( knitr:::process_tangle.block, tracer=tracer, at=trace.at, print=FALSE ) 

Then purl() exclusion can be controlled using option arguments...

```{r setup, echo=TRUE, results='hide'} library(MASS) ````  First, we perform the setup (assume for some reason I need to evaluate `setup` silently before I wish to display the chunk to the user, hence the repetition) ```{r setup2, ref.label="setup", echo=FALSE, results='markup'} ```  Here's the function I've been explaining: ```{r function} plus <- function (a, b) a + b ```  And here's an example of its use: ```{r example, eval=!opts_knit$get("tangle") } plus(1, 2) ```  And here's another example of its use: ```{r example2, include=!opts_knit$get("tangle") } plus(3, 3) ``` 
like image 34
Thell Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11
