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KeyStoreException: Signature/MAC verification failed when trying to decrypt

I am trying to create a simple Kotlin object that wraps access to the app's shared preferences by encrypting content before saving it.

Encrypting seems to work OK but when I try to decrypt, I get an javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException which stems from an android.security.KeyStoreException with a message of "Signature/MAC verification failed".

I have tried debugging to see what's the underlying issue but I can't find anything. No search has given me any clue. I seem to follow a few guides to the letter without success.

private val context: Context?
    get() = this.application?.applicationContext
private var application: Application? = null

private val transformation = "AES/GCM/NoPadding"
private val androidKeyStore = "AndroidKeyStore"
private val ivPrefix = "_iv"
private val keyStore by lazy { this.createKeyStore() }

private fun createKeyStore(): KeyStore {
    val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(this.androidKeyStore)
    return keyStore

private fun createSecretKey(alias: String): SecretKey {
    val keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES, this.androidKeyStore)

        KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(alias, KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT or KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT)

    return keyGenerator.generateKey()

private fun getSecretKey(alias: String): SecretKey {
    return if (this.keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) {
        (this.keyStore.getEntry(alias, null) as KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry).secretKey
    } else {

private fun removeSecretKey(alias: String) {

private fun encryptText(alias: String, textToEncrypt: String): String {
    val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(this.transformation)
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey(alias))

    val ivString = Base64.encodeToString(cipher.iv, Base64.DEFAULT)
    this.storeInSharedPrefs(alias + this.ivPrefix, ivString)

    val byteArray = cipher.doFinal(textToEncrypt.toByteArray(charset("UTF-8")))
    return String(byteArray)

private fun decryptText(alias: String, textToDecrypt: String): String? {
    val ivString = this.retrieveFromSharedPrefs(alias + this.ivPrefix) ?: return null

    val iv = Base64.decode(ivString, Base64.DEFAULT)
    val spec = GCMParameterSpec(iv.count() * 8, iv)
    val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(this.transformation)
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey(alias), spec)

    try {
        val byteArray = cipher.doFinal(textToDecrypt.toByteArray(charset("UTF-8")))
        return String(byteArray)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        return null

private fun storeInSharedPrefs(key: String, value: String) {
    this.context?.let {
        PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(it).edit()?.putString(key, value)?.apply()

private fun retrieveFromSharedPrefs(key: String): String? {
    val validContext = this.context ?: return null
    return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(validContext).getString(key, null)

Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

like image 758
Thomas Debouverie Avatar asked Apr 13 '19 12:04

Thomas Debouverie

2 Answers

I had similar issue. It was all about android:allowBackup="true".


This issue will occur while uninstalling the app and then re-installing it again. KeyStore will get cleared on uninstall but the preferences not getting removed, so will end up trying to decrypt with a new key thus exception thrown.


Try disabling android:allowBackup as follows:

<application android:allowBackup="false" ... >
like image 154
Santhosh Joseph Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Santhosh Joseph

I encountered the same exception/issue 'android.security.KeyStoreException: Signature/MAC verification failed' on Cipher encryption 'AES/GCM/NoPadding'.

On my end, what helped to resolve this issue is to create a byte array holder first, with size that is obtained by calling Cipher.getOutputSize(int inputLen), then calling the doFinal overload Cipher.doFinal(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLen, byte[] output, int outputOffset) to set the ciphertext in your byte array holder.

    private var iv: ByteArray? = null

    fun doEncryptionOperation() {
        val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEYSTORE).apply {
        // Assumption: key with alias 'secret_key' has already been stored
        val entry = keyStore.getEntry("secret_key", null)
        val secretKeyEntry = entry as KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry
        val key secretKeyEntry.secretKey

        val plainText = "Sample plain text"
        val cipherText = encryptSymmetric(key, plainText.toByteArray())
        val decrypted = decryptSymmetric(key, cipherText)

        val decryptedStr = String(decrypted)
        val same = decryptedStr == plainText
        Log.d("SampleTag", "Is plaintext same from decrypted text? $same")

    fun encryptSymmetric(key: SecretKey, plainText: ByteArray): ByteArray? {
        val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding")
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key)
        iv = cipher.iv
        val len = plainText.size
        val outLen = cipher.getOutputSize(len) // get expected cipher output size
        val result = ByteArray(outLen) // create byte array with outLen
        cipher.doFinal(plainText, 0, len, result,0) // doFinal passing plaintext data and result array
        return result

    fun decryptSymmetric(key: SecretKey, cipherText: ByteArray): ByteArray? {
        val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding")
        val tagLen = 128 // default GCM tag length
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, GCMParameterSpec(tagLen,iv))
        val result = cipher.doFinal()
        return result

Additionally, using AEAD, don't forget to call Cipher.updateAAD() in ENCRYPT_MODE, and set the same AEAD tag in the DECRYPT_MODE. Otherwise, you will encounter the same javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException.

like image 1
patrickjason91 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11
