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Keypress event on nested content editable (jQuery)

I have a CONTENTEDITABLE div and inside that div I have a CONTENTEDITABLE span, what I want to do is being able to handle the onkeypress event on the inner SPAN.

So, the javascript code would be:


And the HTML content would be:

<div id="mydiv" contenteditable="true">
editable follows:<span id="someid" contenteditable="true">Some TEXT</span>

If you test it on a browser you'll see you won't see the 'test' dialog when you press a key over Some TEXT, I know the problem is that the event is being triggered in the parent div, so the SPAN doesn't get the event, also because it doesn't have the focus. So I'd like your help to find a solution for this.

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Coder Avatar asked Feb 21 '11 22:02


2 Answers

The exact code you posted in your question seems to work just fine at http://jsfiddle.net/gaby/TwgkC/3/

Tested and working with FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari, IE8 ..

only change is the removal of the comment which in its current form creates a syntax error.

The #someid need to have focus in order for the keypress to work.
If you want your code to give focus to the element right after creating it, use the .focus() method.

function AppendSpan()
    $('#mydiv').append('<span id="someid" contenteditable="true">Some TExt</span>');
    //Then I want to handle the keypress event on the inserted span
          //do something here
    }).focus();// bring focus to the element once you append it..


Two ways to handle this (the fact that there are nested contenteditable elements), not sure if any is acceptable for your case but here they are..

  1. wrap the new contenteditable span in another one, which is set to have contenteditable="false"
    (demo: http://jsfiddle.net/gaby/TwgkC/10/)
  2. make #mydiv to not be contenteditable once you add the span..
    (demo: http://jsfiddle.net/gaby/TwgkC/11/)
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Gabriele Petrioli Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Gabriele Petrioli

You might be better to bind the keypress event to the #mydiv element like this:

$('#mydiv').delegate("span", "keypress", function(){
    console.alert('A key has been pressed: ' + this.id);

On further investigation though, it seems that DOM elements such as regular spans and divs are incapable of receiving focus. You may be able to get around this however, by adding a tabindex attribute to each span.

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Phil.Wheeler Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
