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KEYCLOAK Test Connection doesn't work "Error! Failed to send email"





I am trying to use the Forgot Password function for my Keycloak authentication. So I have already set On for the Forgot Password in the Login section. And I have tried to set up the configurations under Realm Email. In the email tab I entered

host  smtp.gmail.com
smtp port 465 
username  ***@gmail.com 
SSL  enabled 
Authentication - enabled with username and password

But when i'm testing the connection, I keep getting the error "Error! Failed to send email".

Any Help would be highly appreciated, Thank you.

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Oumaima Avatar asked May 30 '20 15:05


Video Answer

1 Answers

You need to provide your email address to Keycloak administrator's email address, and turn on "Allow less secure apps" on Google account settings page. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en

If succeed, you can see SMTP test message from Keycloak in your mail box.

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Kohei TAMURA Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10