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Keycloak: Can I set the expiry of a token per client/user/role?



I'm currently setting up Keycloak to offer protection for some services. There will be both external customers and internal services consuming the same endpoints on my services.

Can I set the token expiry on a user or role or client level, or use a mix of tokens and Basic auth?

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Michael Avatar asked Jun 30 '16 05:06


People also ask

Is it possible to change the token expiration time in Keycloak?

Although, you can code accordingly in your application picking the Keycloak session if you need it to be custom. Unfortunately, token expiration time can be set on a per-realm basis only. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

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It is possible to configure a different lifespan for access tokens on a per client basis. In Keycloak admin console go to a client settings page and expand the "Advanced Settings" section. This screenshot is taken from Keycloak 4.8.1.Final.

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2 Answers

It is possible to configure a different lifespan for access tokens on a per client basis. In Keycloak admin console go to a client settings page and expand the "Advanced Settings" section.
This screenshot is taken from Keycloak 4.8.1.Final.

enter image description here

EDIT: Be aware that is override is applied to Authorization Code Flow only. The access token lifespan for Implicit Flow can still (Keycloak 7.0.0) be set on realm level only!

EDIT: Since Keycloak 10.0.0 it is also possible to override session idle and session max timeout per client.

enter image description here

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Boomer Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10


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It can be done on realm only, correctly mentioned by @maslick as Keycloak do SSO and expects multiple clients in one realm.

Although, you can code accordingly in your application picking the Keycloak session if you need it to be custom.

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codeogeek Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10
