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KeychainItemWrapper 'Couldn't add the Keychain Item.'

I want to store access token to keychain. But i got the error: Couldn't add the Keychain Item.'

I checked some posts on stackoverflow like: Storing email in keychain impossible (KeychainItemWrapper)


let a = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: "980a872c17a075367357e25e88c1c0476417092a")
let keyWrapper = KeychainItemWrapper.init(identifier: "23123123", accessGroup: nil)
keyWrapper?.setObject(a, forKey: kSecValueData)
  1. I tried add this

    keyWrapper?.setObject(kSecAttrAccessible, forKey: kSecAttrAccessible)
  2. Change kSecValueData to kSecAttrGeneric

I am running Xcode 8 with swift 3.0. Any hints thank you!


Viruss mca's answer turn on Share keychain entitlement just work once for me : (

like image 783
William Hu Avatar asked Sep 21 '16 10:09

William Hu

1 Answers

I have recently face this issue with Xcode 8.

To solve the issue You have to add the "Share keychain entitlement" to Xcode capabilities.

enter image description here

There are many users who faced this issue.

Ref: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/60617

like image 117
Toseef Khilji Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 14:11

Toseef Khilji