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KeyBoard SHortcut to show the description of an error of mouseover [duplicate]

I currently use ReSharper with VS2010 - I love the fact that there are keyboard shortcuts for nearly everything - however there is one I just cannot find...

If I have the following code block... and I have a red squigly under the area where there is an error

enter image description here

If I move my mouse over the red squigly I get the error popup as follows...

enter image description here

Is there some keyboard shortcut to show this popup dialog with the error message - I would like to avoid using the mouse but still see the error message.

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Mark Pearl Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 07:04

Mark Pearl

2 Answers

Use Ctrl + \ + e to show the Error List window. You can see the error there without using mouse.

enter image description here

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Bhupinderjit Dhanoa Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

Bhupinderjit Dhanoa

You can look at the status bar of Visual Studio when cursor is placed on error. There is the same error message.
Unfortunatly status bar is too small for long error messages. But it's enough for 80% of error messages.

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brgerner Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
