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Keyboard shortcut to close a tab in SQL Server Management Studio?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close a tab in SQL Server Management Studio 2008? like Alt-W in Firefox.

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Tony_Henrich Avatar asked Aug 27 '09 18:08


People also ask

What does CTRL L do in SSMS?

To find this out, press CTRL+L to display the estimated query execution plan as shown below without actually running the whole query (in fact it runs for top 1 row).

What is CTRL L in SQL Server?

CTRL+L. Delete current code line and copy it to clipboard. SQL Editor.

3 Answers

The shortcut Ctrl+F4 should work.

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lance Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10


I know this is old, but you can also change it to Ctrl + w if you want:

In Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard

Search for Edit.SelectCurrentWord and change it to something else (Like Ctrl + B).

Search for Window.CloseDocumentWindow. Add CTRL+W as a Global shortcut

(Credits to https://gist.github.com/jpoehls/2030795)

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Bruno Araujo Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10

Bruno Araujo

@Lance, thanks for you answer. It works, and it makes life easier.

In addition, after doing Alt-F,C you can also press N if it shows you a 'save changes' confirmation dialog.

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thirdy Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10
