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Keyboard shortcut for "Connect to Server" in Management Studio

Is there a keyboard shortcut for the "Connect to Server" modal window in Microsoft SQL Server Server Management Studio?

The modal window that is displayed when you first opened up SQL Server Management Studio from the Start Menu or shortcut.

like image 845
Michael Kniskern Avatar asked May 06 '09 21:05

Michael Kniskern

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What does Ctrl L do in SSMS?

You might find it handy to see the execution plan that a query will use to make sure the query is being executed as you expect. Typing CTRL+L executes either the selected text in the Query Editor window (or all the statements in the window if nothing is selected) and displays the execution plan.

1 Answers

Another way is to create a shortcut. For instance I use: Ctrl+K,Ctrl+O for this purpose.

  3. Write in Show Commands containing: Query.ChangeConnection
  4. Press shortcut keys (which is currently not used by any other action)
like image 198
Amjad Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
