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Keyboard opens as full screen in landscape mode [duplicate]

When I open they soft keyboard in my app while in landscape mode, the keyboard covers my entire app. The only thing that is shown is the keyboard and a space at the top to enter text. Keyboard is appearing correct in portrait mode.

like image 239
Mohammed mansoor Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 12:03

Mohammed mansoor

People also ask

How do I turn off full screen keyboard?

Press the F11 key on your computer's keyboard to exit full-screen mode. Note that pressing the key again will toggle you back to full-screen mode.

What is windowSoftInputMode?

The Android Manifest Among the different default properties, you can see android:windowSoftInputMode . That's the property that we can change for the view behavior when the keyboard opens, which by default has a value of adjustResize .

1 Answers

Basically its not a bug of your application. Its how your keyboard IME is designed. When user goes to landscape mode, it'll take up the whole screen.

You may install some third party IME from play store and see how it works in portrait mode.

As per the link given by MCeley below. You can do something as below

public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
    outAttrs.imeOptions = EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI;

or change your manifest for your activity as below


Read here for more discussion

like image 56
Jay Mayu Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09

Jay Mayu