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Keras attention layer over LSTM





I'm using keras 1.0.1 I'm trying to add an attention layer on top of an LSTM. This is what I have so far, but it doesn't work.

input_ = Input(shape=(input_length, input_dim))
lstm = GRU(self.HID_DIM, input_dim=input_dim, input_length = input_length, return_sequences=True)(input_)
att = TimeDistributed(Dense(1)(lstm))
att = Reshape((-1, input_length))(att)
att = Activation(activation="softmax")(att)
att = RepeatVector(self.HID_DIM)(att)
merge = Merge([att, lstm], "mul")
hid = Merge("sum")(merge)

last = Dense(self.HID_DIM, activation="relu")(hid)

The network should apply an LSTM over the input sequence. Then each hidden state of the LSTM should be input into a fully connected layer, over which a Softmax is applied. The softmax is replicated for each hidden dimension and multiplied by the LSTM hidden states elementwise. Then the resulting vector should be averaged.

EDIT: This compiles, but I'm not sure if it does what I think it should do.

input_ = Input(shape=(input_length, input_dim))
lstm = GRU(self.HID_DIM, input_dim=input_dim, input_length = input_length, return_sequences=True)(input_)
att = TimeDistributed(Dense(1))(lstm)
att = Flatten()(att)
att = Activation(activation="softmax")(att)
att = RepeatVector(self.HID_DIM)(att)
att = Permute((2,1))(att)
mer = merge([att, lstm], "mul")
hid = AveragePooling1D(pool_length=input_length)(mer)
hid = Flatten()(hid)
like image 608
siamii Avatar asked Apr 23 '16 14:04


People also ask

What is attention layer in LSTM?

basic lstm gets confused between the words and sometimes can predict the wrong word. So whenever this type of situation occurs the encoder step needs to search for the most relevant information, this idea is called 'Attention'. A simple structure of the bidirectional LSTM model can be represented by the above image.

Does keras have an attention layer?

Now we can add the encodings to the attention layer provided by the layers module of Keras. After adding the attention layer, we can make a DNN input layer by concatenating the query and document embedding. After all, we can add more layers and connect them to a model.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of attentional models compared to RNNs?

The advantages of attention is its ability to identify the information in an input most pertinent to accomplishing a task, increasing performance especially in natural language processing - Google Translate is a bidirectional encoder-decoder RNN with attention mechanisms. The disadvantage is the increased computation.

1 Answers

The first piece of code you have shared is incorrect. The second piece of code looks correct except for one thing. Do not use TimeDistributed as the weights will be the same. Use a regular Dense layer with a non linear activation.

    input_ = Input(shape=(input_length, input_dim))
    lstm = GRU(self.HID_DIM, input_dim=input_dim, input_length = input_length, return_sequences=True)(input_)
    att = Dense(1, activation='tanh')(lstm_out )
    att = Flatten()(att)
    att = Activation(activation="softmax")(att)
    att = RepeatVector(self.HID_DIM)(att)
    att = Permute((2,1))(att)
    mer = merge([att, lstm], "mul")

Now you have the weight adjusted states. How you use it is up to you. Most versions of Attention I have seen, just add these up over the time axis and then use the output as the context.

like image 79
Allohvk Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10
