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KendoUI: resetting grid data to first page after button click

I have the following scenario:

in my page I have a grid (with pagination) bounded to a datasource. When I click on the button "Extract" the grid gets populated (reading paginated data through a web service). Then i select "page 2" through grid pagination. Again the web service is invoked to return data.

Now: I would like to click on "Extract" once more, to reload and show data on the first page. I'm not sure which is the best way.

I would like to make just one call to the service (with input parameters) and have pagination index in the grid resetted.

I am now using the following code:

$("#btnExtract").bind("click", function(e) {
    var grid = $("#section-table").data("kendoGrid");
    grid.dataSource.read( {parameter: "value"} );

but it actually makes two calls to the service.

like image 447
Matteo Piazza Avatar asked Nov 22 '12 08:11

Matteo Piazza

2 Answers

If you are doing server side paging it should be enough doing grid.dataSource.page(1) since this will invoke the read exactly as you already realized.

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OnaBai Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10


For some reason, if the page is set to 1 and you set it to 1 again, it will do a read. If it is something other than 1 and you set it to 1, it will just go to that page and not do a read. So to answer your question, you can use this code:

if (grid.dataSource.page() != 1) {
grid.dataSource.read( {parameter: "value"} );
like image 38
Daniel Lorenz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Daniel Lorenz