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Kendo with Angular2: How to display custom message when there are no records available in Kendo Grid

I am using Kendo Grid with Angular 2. If there are no data, then I am getting No records available message which is the default one which comes with Kendo Grid. I wanted to customise the message. I tried [NoRecords]={"Some message"}; inside KendoGrid html tag, but its not working.

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shakz Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 04:01


1 Answers

This can be achieved by nesting the kendo-grid-message component within the kendo-grid.

<kendo-grid [data]="[]">
    noRecords="There are no items to display.">

Make sure you are using the correct capitalization for the inputs (camel case).

For a more in-depth description on that topic please refer to the globalization documentation .

A list of available inputs for the kendo-grid-messages component can be found here.

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Philipp Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 12:04
