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Kendo UI with backbonejs

Do you think is possible to use backbone js with Kendo widgets for the UI? or Kendo framework is too strong for integration?

PS: i'm not a expert of anyone of the two


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Bakaburg Avatar asked Sep 20 '11 18:09


2 Answers

I've recently published a sample project showing how to integrate a Kendo grid with BackboneJS: https://github.com/kendo-labs/kendo-backbone

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Atanas Korchev Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

Atanas Korchev

I've not used Kendo, but I don't imagine this would be an issue. I use jQuery.UI and other web UI toolkits with Backbone just fine.

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Derick Bailey Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Derick Bailey