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Kendo UI DatePicker Warning on date format yyyy-MM-dd

I have a warning on my page about of an invalid date format as you can see below. The warning is generated by Kendo UI DatePicker component. I can't find a solutions on the web, my app is localized pt-BR. How to solve this problem.


Error in Google Chrome:

The specified value '06/07/2015' does not conform to the required format, 'yyyy-MM-dd'.

I must use day-month-year format for my client needs.

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MJDS Assessoria Avatar asked Jul 06 '15 18:07

MJDS Assessoria

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format String (default: "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt") Specifies the format, which is used to format the value of the DateTimePicker displayed in the input. The format also will be used to parse the input. For more information on date and time formats please refer to Date Formatting.

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{ field: "RequestedDate", title: "Requested Date", width: "150px", type:"datetime", template: "#= kendo. toString(kendo. parseDate(RequestedDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'dd MMM yyyy hh:mm') #" }, Thanks.

1 Answers

I found solution:

@(Html.Kendo().DatePicker().Name("periodoDocumento").Value(DateTime.Now).HtmlAttributes(new { @type = "" }))

So jquery will stop parsing this field as date with default format.

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Mistyukov Dima Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

Mistyukov Dima