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Kendo MVVM and binding or extending custom events

I have a ComboBox in my page and I want to bind keypress event to my Kendo ComboBox when the cliend writes down any letter.

As I understand kendo doesn't have any keypress event on ComboBox.

I've found that kendo has something like this to bind values and functions:

kendo.data.binders.slide = kendo.data.Binder.extend({
        refresh: function () {
            var value = this.bindings["slide"].get();

            if (value) {
            } else {

Source: Click Here

But the problem is I can't workaround that and make it to trigger keypress event on the InputBox in the KendoComboBox control.

Remember that I'm using MVVM and I don't want to use somthing like $('k-input').keypress(...); I want to actually add something in my kendo framework by manipulating the extend method that kendo provided for us.

Thank you in advance.

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Hirad Nikoo Avatar asked Jan 27 '13 10:01

Hirad Nikoo

1 Answers

This one was more complicated than I thought it would be, but you can handle this by making a custom MVVM binder to attach to the keyPress event of the input element, like this:

kendo.data.binders.widget.keyPress = kendo.data.Binder.extend({
    init: function (element, bindings, options) {
        kendo.data.Binder.fn.init.call(this, element, bindings, options);
        var binding = this.bindings.keyPress;
        $(element.input).bind("keypress", function(){binding.get();});
    refresh: function () {}

You would bind that to a function on the view model.

<input data-role="combobox"
    data-bind="keyPress: onKeyPress, source: data"></input>

var viewModel = kendo.observable({
    data: [
        {text: "One", value: 1},
        {text: "Two", value: 2}
    onKeyPress: function () {

Here is a working jsFiddle.

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CodingWithSpike Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10
