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Keeping only certain properties in a JavaScript object



I have an object. I would like to modify the object (not clone it) by removing all properties except for certain specific properties. For instance, if I started with this object:

var myObj={     p1:123,     p2:321,     p3:{p3_1:1231,p3_2:342},     p4:'23423',     //....     p99:{p99_1:'sadf',p99_2:234},     p100:3434 } 

and only want properties p1, p2, and p100, how can I obtain this object:

var myObj={     p1:123,     p2:321,     p100:3434 } 

I understand how I could do this with brute force, but would like a more elegant solution.

like image 769
user1032531 Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 15:03


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JavaScript objects have two types of properties: data properties and accessor properties.

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JavaScript Properties Properties are the values associated with a JavaScript object. A JavaScript object is a collection of unordered properties. Properties can usually be changed, added, and deleted, but some are read only.

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Omitting Properties From an Object If we want to omit any number of properties from a JavaScript object, we can implement the following omit function: function omit(obj,...props) { const result = {...obj }; props.forEach(function(prop) { delete result[prop]; }); return result; } Again, let’s use the same person object to see this in action.

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Selecting Properties from an Object. If we want to select any number of properties from a JavaScript object, we can implement the following pick function: function pick(obj, ...props) { return props.reduce(function(result, prop) { result[prop] = obj[prop]; return result; }, {}); } Let’s see this in action!

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1 Answers

This was the first hit when googling 'js keep only certain keys' so might be worth an update.

The most 'elegant' solution might just be using underscore.js

_.pick(myObj, 'p1', 'p2', 'p100') 
like image 111
Alf Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10
