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Keeping one column fixed while th other scrolls



I'm playing around with Tailwind CSS 1.1.2 and wondering how to create a two-column layout where one column is fixed while the other scrolls vertically.

See https://vimeo.com/350933479#t=46s for reference.

like image 752
Sig Avatar asked Aug 27 '19 09:08


1 Answers

The creator of TailwindCSS Adam Wathan made a Slack clone that does exactly what you're looking for, here's a more basic example and an explanation of why it works:


<div class="h-screen flex">
  <!-- Fixed sidebar -->
  <div class="bg-gray-600 w-64">
    <!-- Sidebar content -->
  <!-- Scroll wrapper -->
  <div class="flex-1 flex overflow-hidden">
    <!-- Scrollable container -->
    <div class="flex-1 overflow-y-scroll">
      <!-- Your content -->

Explanation The parent element has the flex and h-screen classes so it fills the height of the screen.

Inside it the fixed column has some width applied or it could be a flex column that shares some portion of the screen.

The scrollable column is wrapped in a div with the classes flex-1 flex and overflow-hidden to make sure it fills the available space but hides overflowed content.

inside the scrollable wrapper have another div which is your scrollable content area with flex-1 so it expands to the available space and overflow-y-scroll to scroll when overflowed. Here's a slightly more styled fiddle hope this helps.

like image 179
JHeth Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
