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Keep running a python script on AWS EC2 even if CLI session is closed

so I have a script running on (script is inside the instance) my AWS EC2 instance (Ubuntu), which should write some results of benchmarks into a txt file (also in the instance itself) every few hours...Now I have run the session with my terminal and ssh, but if I close my terminal or shut down my computer, the script obviously crashes. I have even tried: "nohup myscript.py &", but without any success.

Would really appreciate some help here

like image 740
usdq777 Avatar asked Dec 14 '17 22:12


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1 Answers

Like mentioned above, start a tmux window like on your Amazon ec2 instance:

tmux new -s mywindow

Once the new window starts, run your script. Once the script is running, you can close your ssh client or shut down your local computer. When you want to see the results, log in to your ec2 through ssh again, and type this:

tmux a -t mywindow

This would take you back to your original window running your script.

like image 156
RRC Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09