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Keep Ansible DRY: How to avoid repeating variables?

Recently just started using Ansible and I have run into a problem. In one of my YAML structures I have defined something like this:

# file: main.yml
# Jenkins variables for installation and configuration

    # Debian repository containing Jenkins and the associated key for accessing the repository
    repo: 'deb http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian binary/'
    repo_key: 'http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key'

    # Dependencies needed for Jenkins to run properly
      - 'openjdk-7-jdk'
      - 'git-core'
      - 'curl'

  port: 8080

  # Installation directory
  home: '/opt/jenkins'

  # Path to the location of the main Jenkins-cli binary
  bin_path: '{{jenkins.home}}/jenkins-cli.jar'

  # Path to the location of the Jenkins updates file
  updates_path: '{{jenkins.home}}/updates_jenkins.json'

Ansible gives me an error like this from a specific task:

"recursive loop detected in template string: {{jenkins.home}}/updates_jenkins.json"

I've narrowed it down to the problem being with the fact bin_path and updates_path both refer to 'home'. Is there a way around this? It kind of sucks that I would need to define '/opt/jenkins' multiple times.

like image 537
Philip Lombardi Avatar asked Feb 25 '14 22:02

Philip Lombardi

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How do you manage variables in Ansible?

Ansible uses variables to manage differences between systems. With Ansible, you can execute tasks and playbooks on multiple different systems with a single command. To represent the variations among those different systems, you can create variables with standard YAML syntax, including lists and dictionaries.

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To able to set extra_vars on schedules, you must select Prompt on Launch for EXTRA VARIABLES on the job template, or a enable a survey on the job template, then those answered survey questions become extra_vars .

What is Hostvars Ansible?

With hostvars , you can access variables defined for any host in the play, at any point in a playbook. You can access Ansible facts using the hostvars variable too, but only after you have gathered (or cached) facts.

1 Answers

As far as I know that this is a limitation of jinja2 variables. it was working with the old ${} and broke since 1.4. I am not sure if they fixed that in 1.5.

My temp solution would be removing home from the "jenkins"

# file: main.yml
# Jenkins variables for installation and configuration

# Installation directory
jenkins_home: '/opt/jenkins'
    # Debian repository containing Jenkins and the associated key for accessing the repository
    repo: 'deb http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian binary/'
    repo_key: 'http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key'

    # Dependencies needed for Jenkins to run properly
      - 'openjdk-7-jdk'
      - 'git-core'
      - 'curl'

  port: 8080

  # Path to the location of the main Jenkins-cli binary
  bin_path: '{{jenkins_home}}/jenkins-cli.jar'

  # Path to the location of the Jenkins updates file
  updates_path: '{{jenkins_home}}/updates_jenkins.json'
like image 62
DomaNitro Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
