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keep-alive configurations of spring-boot app (with embedded tomcat)

I am trying to fix/debug an issue of too many closing connection in a spring-boot web app that uses embedded tomcat. The problem arise because it closes connection that should be kept alive.

Now, I found that tomcat has configuration that limit the number of keep-alive connection (see maxKeepAliveRequests in https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/http.html) and there are maybe other config that could be related to the issue. But my problem is that I don't see where are those parameters given, or how I could change them if default are used.

My question: where can I found a documentation that explain how to config spring-boot/embedded-tomcat keep-alive parameters, and which are those parameters?

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Juh_ Avatar asked May 10 '19 09:05


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1 Answers

Not all tomcat properties can be configured via the properties file. The keep-alive related properties are one of those properties and that means they can only be configured programmatically. This is done by configuring a WebServerFactoryCustomizer bean. You can use the protocol handler to set the KeepAlive settings. An example below:

public WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory> tomcatCustomizer() {
    return (tomcat) -> tomcat.addConnectorCustomizers((connector) -> {
        if (connector.getProtocolHandler() instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol) {
            AbstractHttp11Protocol<?> protocolHandler = (AbstractHttp11Protocol<?>) connector

To know more about these settings please read the tomcat 9 configuration reference

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Maurice Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
