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KDevelop 4.2.2 syntax highlighting questions




For my C++ development I am running KDevelop on Ubuntu Natty, I have two questions:

1) It highlights all my variables in random rainbow colors - how can I change that? I want all my variables in light blue.

2) The functions color is always purple, how can I change that?

I'd appreciate if someone knows the answer.

Thank you!!

like image 772
vincegata Avatar asked Jun 15 '11 23:06


1 Answers

The answer to both your questions is simple: at the moment you cannot.

You can make sure that all variables are highlighted in the same color, but this color will be black and cannot be changed. Go to

Settings -> Configure KDevelop... -> Language Support

And make sure that in the Semantic Code Highlighting part both Local Colorization Intensity and Global Colorization Intensity are set to zero (i.e. slide the slider to the left).

However, why would you want this? Personally, I find it very convenient to have a different color for every variable. It lets you very easily spot all occurrences of a particular variable.

like image 146
mtvec Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
