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Karma's base directory location

Unable to load template fixtures for my tests while using karma. To simplify,

Went to c:\

Created a 1.txt text file.

Made a simple karma init file containing:

basePath: '',

Started karma using:

C:\> karma start .\sample.conf.js

Chrome opened up at:


I then tried to navigate to:


but got a "NOT FOUND" error message in the browser, and a message from karma:

WARN [web-server]: 404: /base/1.txt

What am I missing here?

like image 765
Lavi Avigdor Avatar asked Apr 09 '14 10:04

Lavi Avigdor

1 Answers

Found the answer:

By adding the following to the karma config file:

files: [ 
{ pattern: 'mocks/**/*.html', watched: true, served: true, included: false },

I managed to access the required file by browsing to


Where th "/base/" prefix is required by default (if even changable).

like image 153
Lavi Avigdor Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10

Lavi Avigdor