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Kafka topic alias



Is it possible to create an alias of a topic name?

Or, put another way...

If a user writes to topic examplea is it possible to override that at the broker so they actually write to topic exampleb?

alternatively, if the topic was actually written as examplea, but the consumer can refer to it as exampleb.

I'm thinking it could probably be achieved using small hack at the broker where it replies to metadata requests, but I'd rather not if it can be done in some standard way.

like image 319
Graham Avatar asked Jun 26 '16 09:06


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1 Answers

Aliases are not natively supported in Kafka.

One workaround could be to produce to examplea and have a consumer/producer pair that consumers from examplea and produces to exampleb. The consumer/producer pair could be written with Kafka clients, as a connector in Connect, as a MirrorMaker instance (though you'll need to modify it to change the topic name), or as a Kafka Streams job. Note that the messages will appear in exampleb slightly after examplea because they're being copied after being written.

like image 178
alexlod Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11
