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K-Nearest Neighbor Query in PostGIS

I am using the following Nearest Neighbor Query in PostGIS :

SELECT g1.gid g2.gid FROM points as g1, polygons g2   
WHERE g1.gid <> g2.gid
ORDER BY g1.gid, ST_Distance(g1.the_geom,g2.the_geom)

Now, that I have created indexes on the_geom as well as gid column on both the tables, this query is taking much more time than other spatial queries involving spatial joins b/w two tables.

Is there any better way to find K-nearest neighbors? I am using PostGIS.

And, another query which is taking a unusually long time despite creating indexes on geometry column is:

select g1.gid , g2.gid from polygons as g1 , polygons as g2
where st_area(g1.the_geom) > st_area(g2.the_geom) ;

I believe, these queries arent benefited by gist indexes, but why?

Whereas this query:

select a.polyid , sum(length(b.the_geom)) from polygon as a , roads as b  
where st_intersects(a.the_geom , b.the_geom);

returns result after some time despite involving "roads" table which is much bigger than polygons or points table and also involve more complex spatial operators.

like image 207
Abhishek Sagar Avatar asked May 05 '12 11:05

Abhishek Sagar

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Open the disk image, and drag the Postgres icon into the Applications folder. In the Applications folder, double-click the Postgres icon to start the server. Click the Initialize button to create a new blank database instance. In the Applications folder, go to the Utilities folder and open Terminal.

2 Answers

Since late September 2011, PostGIS has supported indexed nearest neighbor queries via a special operator(s) usable in the ORDER BY clause:

SELECT name, gid
FROM geonames
ORDER BY geom <-> st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-90,40),4326)

...will return the 10 objects whose geom is nearest -90,40 in a scalable way. A few more details (options and caveats) are in that announcement post and use of the <-> and the <#> operators is also now documented in the official PostGIS 2.0 reference. (The main difference between the two is that <-> compares the shape centroids and <#> compares their boundaries — no difference for points, other shapes choose what is appropriate for your queries.)

like image 153
natevw Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10


Just a few thoughts on your problem:

st_distance as well as st_area are not able to use indices. This is because both functions can not be reduced to questions like "Is a within b?" or "Do a and b overlap?". Even more concrete: GIST-indices can only operate on the bounding boxes of two objects.

For more information on this you just could look in the postgis manual, which states an example with st_distance and how the query could be improved to perform better.

However, this does not solve your k-nearest-neighbour-problem. For that, right now I do not have a good idea how to improve the performance of the query. The only chance I see would be assuming that the k nearest neighbors are always in a distance of below x meters. Then you could use a similar approach as done in the postgis manual.

Your second query could be speeded up a bit. Currently, you compute the area for each object in table 1 as often as table has rows - the strategy is first to join the data and then select based on that function. You could reduce the count of area computations significantly be precomputing the area:

WITH polygonareas AS (
    SELECT gid, the_geom, st_area(the_geom) AS area
    FROM polygons
SELECT g1.gid, g2.gid
FROM polygonareas as g1 , polygonareas as g2 
WHERE g1.area > g2.area;

Your third query can be significantly optimized using bounding boxes: When the bounding boxes of two objects do not overlap, there is no way the objects do. This allows the usage of a given index and thus a huge performance gain.

like image 40
Thilo Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10
