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"JVM creation failed" in netbeans 7.1




I can launch the Netbeans IDE successfully. But, when I run the sample applications in the IDE, I always get the JVM creation failed message.

If I clean it, I can run it successfully, but only once. So, if I have to run an application, I have to rebuild it. Why?

I Googled for JVM creation failed, but only found the solution to fix the issue in launching the Netbeans itself.

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HolidayCactus Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 23:12


1 Answers

You can find netbeans.conf under.

C:\Program Files\NetBeans\etc

This is the original conf row.

netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true"

Simply add this extra parameter to the above row.


Finally the row looks like.

netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true"

Now restart you NetBeans ...

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abhilash_goyal Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 05:01
